Episode 126: Mummified Monkeyfish Mermaids

This week, Aureo, Geoff, and Marjolaine discuss what to expect when attending “Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature” exhibition. Which beast would you like to see included in the exhibition that was not mentioned?

Episode 124: Seven Stages of Grief

This week, Aureo, Lizzie G., Marjolaine, and Geoff discuss the news about Johnny Depp exiting the Fantastic Beasts franchise. What are your thoughts on this change?

Episode 122: The Other Percival

This week, Aureo, Marjolaine, and guest host Geoff wrap up our Crimes of Grindelwald breakdown. Did your opinion about the film change after dissecting it with us? What are your favorite theories?

Episode 121: Protego Diabolica

We’ve finally made it to the Queenie betrayal in our Crimes of Grindelwald rewatch! This week, Ann, Aureo, Marjolaine, and Julianna are asking – do you think that the fire or Grindewald determined who to save and who to destroy? If the fire, how do you think that was determined? If Grindelwald, how did he protect his followers?

Episode 119: Wizards Have to Eat, Too

Amy, Aureo, and Megan are here to discuss how everyone ended up in this cemetery. Do you think Corvus Lestrange is still alive? If not, who does the prophecy refer to?

Episode 118: Everybody Loves Roofs

This week, Ann, Aureo, and Shannen debate what constitutes a “complicated” sibling relationship. Do you think Flamel’s magic book is for the original Order of the Phoenix, or something else?

Episode 112: Too Sassy to Get a Permit

Join the new and better Golden Trio for our third installment of the Crimes of Grindelwald breakdown. Why do you think it “has to be Newt” who moves against Grindelwald?

Episode 110: Abergrindy

Join Aureo, Marjolaine, and Shannen as they break down the first ten minutes of Crimes of Grindelwald. What do you think about Grindelwald’s new fancy magic in these scenes?

Episode 105: The Owl Air Force

We discuss the likely experiences of our characters in WWI based on historical context and how bringing magic into the equation could have changed things. How do you think wizards were involved in the war?

Episode 103: Trelawney With a Very Deep Voice

Join Aureo, Ann, Jennifer, and Marjolaine for the last episode of the year! We discuss prophecies and visions and their role in the Fantastic Beasts saga. Do you think the vision Grindelwald hints at will become more relevant in future films?